Burn Fat Orlando


At Burn Fat Orlando we have been serving patients in Central Florida for over 25 years. We’d like to be the first to congratulate you on taking the first step toward achieving a healthier body and mind! Through our easy weight loss programs, you’ll feel more capable of taking on every day with enthusiasm. By offering different weight loss programs, we’re sure to have the right one for everyone.


If you don't lose weight within the first 10 DAYS we'll refund your money!

Call to Schedule: (407) 889-3223

Serving patients primarily in Orlando, FL, we’re proud to offer successful weight loss programs that will have you looking and feeling your absolute best. Combining our years of industry experience and our commitment to serving others, we’re able to suggest effective weight loss programs that will be tailored to your specific needs. Our weight loss programs in Orlando, FL, are offered in an inviting atmosphere by our experienced staff. Not only do we offer local weight loss programs to those living in the greater Orlando area, but we also have online weight loss programs that work tremendously well.

Our team of dedicated weight loss professionals understands that weight loss looks different for everyone. That’s why we’ll take the time to understand your individual goals and develop a weight loss management program that will work specifically for you! Whether you’re an athlete looking to shed a few pounds or a senior hoping to achieve optimal health, we’ll help you safely lose weight via our weight less programs for men and women.

Working one-on-one with one of our experienced weight loss experts, you’ll learn how to properly manage your weight in a way that is comfortable for you. We’ll help you develop an individualized weight loss profile and perform a body composition analysis to ensure we have you on the best weight loss food program for you!

Our main goal is to help you feel better about yourself so that you can go through life feeling confident and capable. We’ve helped patients lose up to 5 pounds per week in their first few weeks, and up to 2 pounds per week after. By working closely together, we’ll create concrete goals that you’ll feel confident about reaching. By staying true to your assigned healthy weight loss program, you’ll begin to notice results in no time!

With Burn Fat Orlando Expect Results


From teens to seniors, Burn Fat Orlando takes a customized approach to weight loss. New moms, vegetarians, people with diabetes, high blood pressure and/or cholesterol, gluten intolerances, and many others can safely lose weight with Burn Fat Orlando.


At Burn Fat Orlando, our weight loss professionals will work with you one-on-one to create a personalized and individualized weight loss profile and conduct a Body Composition Analysis so your program fits you perfectly.


Once you start your Burn Fat Orlando program, you will quickly see and feel yourself getting healthier. You can lose up to 5 pounds per week for your first few weeks and up to 2 pounds per week after.* (*Results vary) Losing pounds and inches is just the beginning! At Burn Fat Orlando you are supported throughout weight loss, transition, and maintenance of your program.


Whether eating at home or eating out, you will always have healthy options to keep you nourished and satisfied. We DO Not use or require any pre-packaged foods nor any of those nasty shakes. We do not prescribe any pharmaceutical drugs and you will NOT receive any injections. Our Doctor- approved food list promotes proper nutrients so you can lose weight, not health.


Our professional consultants meet with you privately at one of our convenient locations to help you stay motivated, informed, and on track. We’ll support you throughout your weight loss journey and show you how to keep your lost weight… gone for good.


Fat Burning Process and Weight Loss Results

*DISCLAIMER – Results are typical but not guaranteed. Your actual results may vary.

The Keys to Burning Fat

Keys to Burning Fat Infographic

Our highly proven weight loss programs have helped patients dealing with a wide variety of medical conditions associated with obesity, including:

If you’re ready to discover the best possible version of yourself, contact Burn Fat Orlando to begin your transformation today! We look forward to helping you lose weight and gain confidence through one of our effective weight loss programs.

*DISCLAIMER – Results are typical but not guaranteed. Your actual results may vary.


If you don't lose weight within the first 10 DAYS we'll refund your money!

Call to Schedule: (407) 889-3223


Check out the following testimonials and call Burn Fat Orlando today. We will help you develop a fitness program that will work for your unique body and weight loss goals.

* DISCLAIMER: Testimonials seen on this site are from real patients who were not paid for the testimonial they provided. Testimonials seen are based on the experiences of a few people and you may not have similar results. Patient testimonials are from actual patients who completed the program and did not receive any compensation for their endorsement.


If you don't lose weight within the first 10 DAYS we'll refund your money!

Call to Schedule: (407) 889-3223

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